This page will be updated periodically! Please check back. 2025 Registration is Now OPEN
D&R Series Facts
- Automatic championship qualification by fishing any 4 events
- Over $5000 paid per event in highest finisher and random draw contingency
- $10,000 1st place for Championship, plus highest finisher and random draw money along with regular payout. No other tournament series pays even close to this!
- There are 5 total events. Fish 4 events to qualify for the Championship.
D&R Series Now Allows Morning of Entry
- There will no longer be a cap on the number of boats per event.
- Teams are welcome to sign up the morning of any of the D&R Series tournaments.
- Cost is the same as pre-registration. $170.00 Tournament Entry + $50 per angler membership.
o First tournament total cost is $270.00 per team.
o Additional tournaments cost $170.00 per team.
- Morning entries take off positions start after last pre-paid spot.
- Teams that fish four (4) tournaments will have the option to fish the D&R Championship! (For more info see offical rules)
2025 D&R Series Contingency Awards*
Each contingency is awarded at each event!
*Some conditions apply*
Series Information
- Teams must fish 4 of available 5 regular season events to qualify for the championship
- Pre-payment required to qualify for best takeoff positions and giveaways
- Pre-paid cost per event is $170 ($150 entry fee + $20 big bass)
- Pre-payment cost for 4 events + the Championship is $950.00 per team ($850.00 entry fees, $50 Membership per angler)
- Day of tournament entry also an option
Championship Info
- Championship Dates: 10/11 & 10/12/2025
- Championship Location: MI Lower Penninsula
- Championship Payout: TBD