Mona Lake (City Launch) 6/18/2019 7:00 AM

Mona Lake (City Launch)

Mona Lake Park and Boat Launch is located on the north side of the lake off of Lake Shore Blvd.

Lake Stats

Avg Fish (lbs):
Biggest Fish (lbs):
# of Events:
Avg # Fish Per Boat:
Total Haul (lbs):
Total # of Fish:


Place Team # Fish BB LBS PTs $$
1 Brown, R / Wiseman, T 5 3.150 11.600 24


2 Ammerman, D / Lange, R 5 4.040 11.080 23


1BB: $45
3 Karas, P / Hoag, S 5 3.150 10.500 20


4 Jennings, E / Holub, J 5 2.850 9.560 17
5 Johnson, F / Brown, F 5 .000 8.590 16
6 Bruno, T / DeMinck, B 3 2.930 8.000 15
7 Willman, J / Jurries, N 3 .000 6.260 14
8 Thorington, T / ubben, a 3 2.570 5.670 13
9 Smith, M / Smith, J 2 .000 3.230 12
10 Kibbe, A 0 .000 .000 10