Big Whitefish Lake 7/27/2020 6:00 PM

Big Whitefish Lake

Take 131 to Pierson Exit (110). West on 22mi Rd then North on Whitefish Rd just past southbound offramp. Take a right (East) on Stanton at 1st stop sign follow 90 degree turn onto Dagget (North). Lake St. will be to the West right were the trees begin. Follow Lake St. to the T at the lake, go Left to ramp.

Lake Stats

Avg Fish (lbs):
Biggest Fish (lbs):
# of Events:
Avg # Fish Per Boat:
Total Haul (lbs):
Total # of Fish:


Place Team # Fish BB LBS PTs $$
1 Ozinga, M / DeHollander, M 5 3.530 13.980 29


1BB: $50
2 Quist, B / Root, R 5 2.550 13.580 25


3 Murphy, L / Hitt, N 5 2.890 12.410 23


4 VandenBosch, K / Vanden Bosch, K 5 2.670 11.700 21
5 Ruel, C / Keithley, J 5 .000 11.030 20
6 Evans, T / Ruel, F 5 2.360 10.680 19
7 Schaub, C / Woodard, H 5 .000 10.230 18
8 bekins, d / fisher, c 5 .000 9.620 17
9 Fisk, K 5 1.880 9.300 16
10 Peceny, S / Pohl, E 5 2.510 9.140 15
11 Pepin, B / Legate, B 5 .000 8.700 14
12 Sipperley, P / VanBoxel, A 3 3.240 6.370 14
2BB: $15
13 LeMieux, J / Tryon, R 3 2.620 6.220 12
14 Carlson, S / Carlson, I 3 .000 3.920 11